Can You Hire a Coach to Succeed at Free Sex Hookup Sites?

If you’re a member of free sex hookup sites, you probably were excited when you first joined. When you were filling out the form, your dick probably got hard thinking about all the hot brunettes, blondes, redheads and amazing women that would drop down to their knees, lick your balls, tongue your ass, and bend over to get fucked by you.
You’re probably running all those scenarios through your head. You’re all excited, your hand was probably shaking while you’re typing out the form. And then you wait. You fill out a profile, you wait some more. In fact, you could be waiting several months and guess what? Those free sex hookup sites don’t deliver.
Well, they don’t deliver for a reason. You’re not doing it right.
You see,free sex hookup sites won’t be around paying thousands upon thousands of dollars for hosting and other internet related expenses if they’re not turning a profit. It’s not like they’re non-governmental organizations whose charitable mission is to dispense free pussy from all four corners of the globe. They’re businesses. They’re all about the profit motive.
So it’s not them, it’s you. You’re doing something wrong. And unfortunately, just like with anything else in life, you can choose to do things the wrong way or the right way. You can choose to stumble your way through life and try one approach after the other like you would throw spaghetti at a wall and hope that somehow, some way, something sticks.
Well, you’re more than welcome to do that, but let me tell you, the more you fail, the more likely you will quit. Seriously. After all, how much rejection can a guy take?
If you keep getting rejected, if you keep sending thousands of messages to all these hot, amazing women in your local area and all you get are cricket sounds, then somehow, some way, the thought will materialize in your mind that maybe you’re doing it wrong and maybe you should just fucking pull the plug. Well, there is some good news.
The good news is, you don’t have to go that route. You don’t have to do things on a strictly trial and error basis. There is an alternative. You can hire a coach.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “Fuck a coach. I mean, what the fuck does that dude know that I don’t?” Well, that’s exactly the kind of attitude you need to overcome.
You see, just like some people are experts at playing basketball or doing accounting or trading stocks or going to court in front of a judge, there are also experts in getting women to spread their legs. I’m not talking about paying these women. I’m not talking about lying to them. I’m not talking about putting on a priest’s robe and defrauding them religiously to get sex. I’m not talking about that shit. I’m talking about person to person, sending off the right vibes, getting comfortable with each other, and getting busy.
Believe it or not, your ability to do well at free sex hookup sites has nothing to do with what you look like. It has nothing to do with what shape your penis is in. It has nothing to do with how much money you have in the bank. It has nothing to do with how many letters follow your name, as in advanced degrees. It has nothing to do with whether your alma mater is in the top 100 in the USA Today college ratings. It has everything to do with your confidence.
If you’re serious about succeeding with free sex hookup sites, you need to hire a confidence coach. Now, there are two types of confidence coaches. There is a coach that is really good at teaching you how to carry yourself in public. These are great if you’re doing public announcements and public speaking, but in an online setting, they really fall apart.
The kind of coach that you’re looking for is a confidence coach in terms of writing. You have to write in the right way.
Now, the great thing about this is, if you get a chick excited about meeting you, you don’t have to say a word when it comes to the actual free sex hookup because by that point, all she wants to do is fuck. So do yourself a big favor and hire the right coach so you don’t have to end the night jerking off like a sad and pathetic loser.