Is Swinging A Good Way To Spice Up Your Sex Life?

5 Things To Consider
- Swinging is not for everyone.
Some people are more open-minded than others, while others prefer to live in open relationships. Others thrive on the stability of monogamy. While some couples find swinging beneficial for their relationships, others find it detrimental to their relationship. Before swinging, you need to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of your marriage. It is possible to create separate lists and share them with your spouse. Check out this swingers club list to see what’s available in your area. - Enjoyment is not possible when you are under pressure.
Many people ask me how they can get their partner to swing. The short answer is no.
You’re most likely to fail if you try to convince your partner to swing for the first time. Swinging can bring you closer together in an ideal world. However, this is almost impossible if there is no mutual desire. It’s normal to feel nervous. However, if you find your partner reticent, make your relationship a priority. Stop swinging until you are both ready. - It is essential to have rules
Experienced swingers will often say that your rules are the most important. Your relationship is your expertise. You can learn from other couples and relationship experts, but your own unique insights and experience are your greatest source of information. It is important to establish rules before you start. To prepare for different outcomes, ask as many questions and answer them as you can.
Is there any sexual activity that is off-limits?
Which sexual activities do you feel most comfortable with?
How can you tell a couple that you are not comfortable with them?
Are you able to use a sign/word of safety in case you need to stop?
What would you want your partner to do if your safe word/signal was used?
Do you want to be single, with other couples, or in a group?
Do you prefer to “play” in the privacy of your home or in public?
Do you feel comfortable playing with the same couple over and over again?
Do you want to make lasting friendships with couples, or just casual sex?
What should you do if your partner is interested and you are not interested in the partner of that person?
What will it look like if you are able to check in with each other during the experience.
What is the best way to meet other couples online? Is it okay to communicate with other couples online?
What will you do to debrief your experience?
You should review your rules regularly as your emotions, desires, and boundaries may change.
- Your greatest strength is your vulnerability
Swinging, like all other sexual or relational experiences will elicit positive and negative emotions.
Talk about them. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Some couples get so obsessed with swinging that they forget that there are problems. Fear, jealousy, and insecurity are all normal emotions. It’s important that you acknowledge them. These emotions are not indicative of a broken relationship. If you openly discuss them with your partner and give your partner feedback and reassurance they can be a source of strength. - Voyeurism offers many perks
I recommend that new swingers first join SwingTowns and spend time at parties or lifestyle clubs with the understanding that they will only be there to observe and engage in friendly conversation. It can be helpful to make a commitment not to have any sexual relations with anyone while you are swinging. Many clubs offer tours to new couples. The host couples are likely to be open to answering any questions about the lifestyle.