What are the Most Common Reasons People Get Divorced?

Nobody gets married with the intention of getting divorced someday, but unfortunately the statistics show that almost 50 percent of first marriages end in divorce in the United States. So, considering that marriage is a promise to love someone ‘until death we do part’, you might be wondering what causes so many people to then break this promise and legally separate.
There is no one single cause of divorce, and no one can see into the future. The fact is that circumstances change and while you may believe that you will love your partner until the day you die, things can happen during a marriage that can cause those feelings to change. Below are just some of the reasons cited for divorce among married couples.
This is perhaps one of the most common reasons for divorce. When one partner is unfaithful, it instantly shatters the trust that was once there. While some people do manage to overcome this, for many other couples it is too much. The person who was cheated on may find it hard to forgive or forget, and it changes the whole dynamic of the relationship. Moving past this can be a massive struggle that some are not capable of doing.
Money Problems
According to the counselors at Psych Blossom (click here for more information about couples therapy in Miami), another reason for divorce comes in the form of money problems. If one person is really bad with money it can cause tension in the marriage. It might not even be that one person is particularly bad with money, but there can be disagreements about how money is spent. One partner might like to live frugally while the other wants to enjoy life and spend freely. These disagreements over money can put a strain on the marriage as both partners will have different values when it comes to this subject.
Addiction in any form is something that can break a marriage. Those who become addicted to substances such as alcohol or drugs, or who develop a behavioral addiction to gambling or shopping for instance, often end up hurting those they love. Most people will be supportive and will try to help their partner, but it can get to a point where they cannot take anymore. Ultimately, unless a person manages to overcome their addiction, it can spell the end of their marriage.
Growing Apart
This is a common cause of divorce. Two people might still love each other, but over time they feel more like friends, or brother and sister, than a married couple. There is a lack of intimacy, and they feel that there is no point in continuing in the marriage. This reason often leads to an amicable divorce, with the two parties wanting to remain friends.
Domestic Abuse
While most people are not able to hide who they are for a long time, it is often the case that those who enjoy a whirlwind romance and marriage discover that the person they have married is not who they thought they were. Abuse does not always come in the form of physical abuse, however. Sometimes abuse can be emotional or verbal and can result in some people understandably wanting out of the relationship.
Those who get married usually intend to stay with their partner for a long time. Some imagine that they will be together until one or the other dies, and they are not harboring ideas of divorce. But unfortunately, this is what occurs for many. Around half of all first marriages in the U.S. end in divorce for assorted reasons including infidelity, money problems, domestic abuse, and addiction.